Discover Thorne's Creatine supplement, your fitness partner, aiding in lean muscle mass development and brain function. Dive into a world of cognitive clarity and workout endurance. Don't miss the attractive prices at Discount Annex!
Thorne's Creatine - more than just a workout supplement. Boosts muscle performance, aids cognition, and supports lean body mass. Enjoy exclusive offers at Discount Annex!
Enhance your workout regime and mental prowess with Thorne's Creatine. Specially crafted for athletes, busy professionals, and vegans. Shop at Discount Annex for unbeatable deals!
Discover Thorne's Creatine supplement, your fitness partner, aiding in lean muscle mass development and brain function. Dive into a world of cognitive clarity and workout endurance. Don't miss the attractive prices at Discount Annex!
Discover Thorne's Creatine supplement, your fitness partner, aiding in lean muscle mass development and brain function. Dive into a world of cognitive clarity and workout endurance. Don't miss the attractive prices at Discount Annex!
Thorne's Creatine - more than just a workout supplement. Boosts muscle performance, aids cognition, and supports lean body mass. Enjoy exclusive offers at Discount Annex!
Enhance your workout regime and mental prowess with Thorne's Creatine. Specially crafted for athletes, busy professionals, and vegans. Shop at Discount Annex for unbeatable deals!
Discover Thorne's Creatine supplement, your fitness partner, aiding in lean muscle mass development and brain function. Dive into a world of cognitive clarity and workout endurance. Don't miss the attractive prices at Discount Annex!


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THORNE | Creatine 

Experience premium quality creatine for enhancing lean muscle, amplifying endurance, fueling cellular energy, and boosting cognitive functions.*

Our Creatine supplement can potentially bolster your athletic performance with the amino acid creatine.* But its benefits aren't exclusive to fitness enthusiasts - it also catalyzes cellular energy production and elevates cognitive abilities, enabling you to excel in everyday tasks.*

Moreover, it offers comprehensive support for your overall well-being by promoting lean body mass and fostering endurance.* A quintessential supplement for those seeking to gain the upper hand in physical performance or cognitive pursuits.*

Note that Creatine is a supplement, not an OTC or prescription drug. We strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before incorporating it into your regimen.

How to Use:

  1. Serving Size: 1 Scoop 
  2. Servings Per Container: 90
  3. USE: Mix 1 scoop with at least 8 ounces of water, juice, or preferred beverage daily or as recommended by your health-care or performance professional. Can be used 30-90 minutes before or after exercise.

Discover the Power and Efficiency of Thorne's Creatine

Creatine is a unique amino acid primarily found in our muscles and brain. Our bodies naturally synthesize this essential amino acid from other protein building blocks. Additionally, dietary sources like meats, eggs, and fish contribute to our creatine intake. It's a vital player in cellular energy production, facilitating ATP synthesis, which is the fuel for intense physical exertion. As such, creatine is instrumental in ensuring that your heart beats robustly and your brain functions at peak efficiency.*

Thanks to its role in ATP production, Creatine is a potent ally for high-intensity workouts and physically demanding tasks. It ensures a constant energy supply, allowing your muscles to function optimally for extended periods. The result is improved endurance, increased strength, and better physical performance overall. Whether you're an athlete or someone with an active lifestyle, supplementing with creatine can offer significant performance benefits. Besides, who wouldn't want to feel energized and capable of tackling strenuous activities head-on?*

But the benefits of Creatine aren't just physical; they extend to cognitive functions as well. By promoting efficient cellular energy production, it ensures your brain cells remain active and energized. This cognitive support aids mental clarity, concentration, and overall cognitive performance. So, while your muscles are getting a power-up, your brain is too. Whether you're studying for an exam or solving complex problems at work, Creatine can be your secret weapon for enhanced mental acuity.*

The impact of Creatine on lean muscle mass is another point in its favor. It enhances muscle capacity, allowing them to work harder and longer. As a result, it indirectly contributes to muscle growth and better body composition. So, if you're aiming for leaner, stronger muscles, incorporating creatine into your dietary regimen could be the boost you need. It's an ideal supplement for those aspiring for a fitter, healthier body.*

Finally, maintaining optimal Creatine levels is essential for preventing dehydration, muscle cramps, and injuries. By optimizing muscle energy metabolism, it reduces the risk of damage to muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. It's a proactive step towards injury prevention and overall physical wellbeing. When it comes to safeguarding your health and enhancing your performance, Creatine has got you covered. Give your body the support it deserves with Thorne's Creatine.*

Embark on a Journey of Wellness with Thorne's Creatine:

Thorne's Creatine transcends its traditional benefits, offering holistic wellness. It propels physical endurance, enables muscle power, and optimizes cognitive function, creating a harmony of health benefits.*

  • Boosted Muscle Performance: Thorne's Creatine promotes physical endurance and enhances the work capacity of muscles.* Witness your power output skyrocket with regular supplementation.*
  • Lean Body Mass Catalyst: Our Creatine supplement enhances strength and promotes lean body mass.* Elevate your fitness journey with the addition of lean muscle mass.*
  • Cognitive Enhancer: Thorne's Creatine is linked to supporting cognitive function.* Notice the difference in your mental clarity and cognitive performance, especially as you age.*
  • Cellular Energy Producer: Creatine assists your body's cells in efficient energy creation, boosting your exercise capacity.* Experience increased endurance and vitality.*
  • Injury Mitigator: Regular Creatine supplementation promotes a decrease in muscle cramps, dehydration, and injuries.* Protect your muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves with this powerful supplement.*
  • Nutritional Supporter: Thorne's Creatine is ideal for those with increased dietary needs like athletes, or those who lack creatine-rich foods in their diet.* Ensure your dietary creatine levels are optimized for best health outcomes.*
  • Amplified Endurance: Experience heightened stamina and improved performance during high-intensity workouts.* Empower your fitness journey with increased endurance.*
  • Cognitive Function Booster: Creatine enhances the energy production in brain cells, improving cognitive functions.* Elevate your mental performance and concentration with our Creatine supplement.*

Who Can Most Benefit from Thorne's Creatine

  • Fitness Aficionados: Those who indulge in high-intensity workouts or strength training can greatly benefit from Thorne's Creatine. It aids in providing the extra energy burst needed for peak performance.*
  • Busy Professionals: With its cognition-enhancing properties, it is perfect for professionals seeking mental clarity and improved focus in their high-demand careers.*
  • Aging Individuals: As we age, our natural creatine production decreases. This supplement helps replenish those levels, supporting both physical and cognitive vitality.*
  • Vegetarians and Vegans: Given that creatine is found mainly in meat and fish, those on plant-based diets can use this supplement to meet their creatine needs effectively.*

What sets Thorne’s Creatine apart:

  • NSF Certified for Sport®
  • Easy-to-mix
  • A highly researched, micronized form of creatine monohydrate – Creapure®
  • Colorless, no odor, and enhanced solubility

Because an athlete needs to know that his or her supplements are trustworthy and compliant, every batch of Thorne's NSF Certified for Sport® product is tested for compliance with label claims and to ensure the absence of more than 200 substances banned by many major athletic organizations, including stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, and masking agents.

Thorne Creatine is:

  • Derived From Natural Flavors
  • Derived From Natural Colors
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Soy Free

Ingredients: Creatine Monohydrate (5mg)


ALLERGY WARNING: This product is contraindicated in an individual with a history of hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.
PREGNANCY: If pregnant, consult your health professional before using this product.
INTERACTIONS: There are no known adverse interactions or contraindications at publication date.

Do you have questions? Please Contact Us

* These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For More Information: Disclaimer Policy, Membership Policy, and Terms Of Service Policy.

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