Dive into the world of optimal wellness with Vitamin D/K2 Liquid. Perfectly available at the 'Discount Annex', it's the go-to for all health-conscious individuals seeking a brighter, healthier future.
The beacon of health awaits at 'Discount Annex'! With Thorne's Vitamin D/K2 Liquid, empower your daily regimen and stride confidently towards a life brimming with vitality.
Seeking a holistic health elixir? Look no further than 'Discount Annex'! Every drop of Vitamin D/K2 Liquid promises to usher you into a realm of unparalleled well-being.
Vitamin D/K2 Liquid -30 ml
Dive into the world of optimal wellness with Vitamin D/K2 Liquid. Perfectly available at the 'Discount Annex', it's the go-to for all health-conscious individuals seeking a brighter, healthier future.
The beacon of health awaits at 'Discount Annex'! With Thorne's Vitamin D/K2 Liquid, empower your daily regimen and stride confidently towards a life brimming with vitality.
Seeking a holistic health elixir? Look no further than 'Discount Annex'! Every drop of Vitamin D/K2 Liquid promises to usher you into a realm of unparalleled well-being.
Vitamin D/K2 Liquid -30 ml

Vitamin D/K2 Liquid -30 ml

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THORNE | Vitamin D/K2 Liquid 

Supports healthy bones and muscles, robust cardiovascular functioning, and a formidable immune system. This dual-action formula serves as a powerhouse for comprehensive wellness needs.

Vitamin D/K2 Liquid isn't just a supplement; it's a lifeline for your body's intricate systems. Fusing the strengths of both vitamins D and K2, this concoction amplifies benefits to bones, immune fortitude, and heart health more than when these vitamins act solo.

Many might question, why merge the two? It's simple. Vitamin D assures effective calcium absorption, a mineral crucial for bone health, while vitamin K2 ensures this calcium finds its rightful place in the bones and not in undesired spots, such as the arteries. This synchronized duo works in harmony, safeguarding you from potential ailments and bolstering vitality.

Moreover, not only does this potent blend cater to common health requisites, but it also stands tall as an ally for oncology patients, adding another layer of support. By choosing Thorne’s Vitamin D/K2 Liquid, you are investing in a meticulously crafted formula, designed to grant you a fuller, healthier life.

How to use:

  • Serving Size: 2 Drops
  • Servings Per Container: 600
  • USE: Take 2 drops one to three times daily or as recommended by your health professional. Invert bottle to dispense individual drops. May be added to food or mixed in beverages. Do not refrigerate.

The Dual Power: Vitamin D & K2 Deep Dive

Vitamin D and K2, both acclaimed for their vital roles, have been meticulously paired in this formula. These pillars of wellness ensure optimal bone, muscle, and cardiovascular health, a necessity through every life phase. While Vitamin D is lauded for calcium intake enhancement, K2 acts as the sentinel, directing calcium to the bones and averting its deposit in unwanted regions like blood vessels.

Studies have accentuated the heightened efficacy of this combination. In one significant research on postmenopausal women, the concoction of minerals with both vitamins D and K outperformed other groups in maintaining arterial elasticity. The solution, preserved in medium-chain triglyceride oil and fortified with mixed tocopherols, ensures optimal absorption and potency.

Why is this blend pivotal? It's a fine balance. Over-absorption of calcium, without K2's guidance, might lead to arterial calcification. However, with K2's diligent oversight, this risk diminishes, showcasing the importance of their combined force.

It's worth noting that the Vitamin K2 used is the well-researched MK-4 variant. This specific molecule's inclusion further amplifies the product's prowess, ensuring that the health benefits promised are delivered seamlessly.

Thorne’s commitment to excellence is evident in this concoction. By imbibing Vitamin D/K2 Liquid into your regimen, you are taking a pivotal step towards holistic health and well-being, a decision your future self will thank you for.

Integral Advantages: Why Vitamin D/K2 Stands Out

More than just a supplement, the Vitamin D/K2 Liquid stands as a beacon for holistic health. Every drop is infused with the essence of wellness, crafted meticulously to ensure you enjoy a life brimming with vitality, strength, and resilience.

  • Bone Strength Reinforcer: This potent blend ensures that your bones receive the calcium they need. Proper calcium absorption and deposition result in sturdy and resilient bones.
  • Cardiovascular Protector: The duo works in tandem to prevent arterial calcification. By directing calcium away from the arteries, it promotes a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Immune Fortification: A robust immune response is vital for health. This formula strengthens your body's natural defenses, safeguarding you from potential health issues.
  • Muscle Health Promoter: Proper calcium regulation aids in muscle function. The blend ensures optimal muscle health and performance.
  • Oncology Support: Apart from general wellness, the formula extends its benefits to oncology patients. It serves as an added layer of support during trying times.
  • Enhanced Absorption: Preserved in medium-chain triglyceride oil, the blend ensures optimal absorption. It guarantees that every drop consumed works effectively within the body.
  • Research-backed Efficacy: The inclusion of the MK-4 variant of K2 is based on extensive studies. This ensures that the product's efficacy is not just promised but delivered.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Thorne's dedication to quality is unparalleled. By choosing this product, you're opting for a blend that prioritizes your wellness above all.

Who Can Benefit

  • Senior Citizens: As bone density diminishes with age, the elderly can reap significant rewards from the potent blend of Vitamin D/K2, ensuring better bone health and reduced risks of age-associated ailments.
  • Athletes & Fitness Enthusiasts: Those committed to physical training require optimal bone and muscle function. This blend fortifies bone strength and aids muscle health, making it an essential for active individuals.
  • Urban Dwellers: With limited exposure to sunlight, city residents often face Vitamin D deficiency. This product helps compensate for the lack, fortifying overall wellness.
  • People with Restricted Diets: Individuals on strict diets or with certain food allergies might miss out on essential vitamins. Supplementing with Vitamin D/K2 ensures they aren't left behind in their wellness journey.
  • Oncology Patients: For those undergoing cancer treatments, this formula stands as a beacon of support, adding another layer of health reinforcement.
  • Cardiovascular Health-Conscious: Persons aiming to maintain a fit cardiovascular system can significantly benefit from this concoction, given its role in directing calcium away from arteries.

Vitamin D & K2 are:

  • Derived From Natural Flavors
  • Derived From Natural Colors
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Soy Free


Please consult a licensed medical professional before using this product. 
ALLERGY ALERT: Individuals with known sensitivities or allergies to any component of this formula should refrain from using this product.
PREGNANCY: It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional if you are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant before integrating this product into your routine.
INTERACTIONS: Due to Vitamin K's potential to counteract the effects of anticoagulant medications (such as Coumadin), it's advised to abstain from concurrent use of both.

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* These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For More Information: Disclaimer Policy, Membership Policy, and Terms Of Service Policy.

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